U.M.P Tools

U.M.P Tools

  • Questions
  • Statements
  • Responses
  • Connections
  • Trashcan
  • Canvas’
  • Agreements
    • Outcomes
    • Milestones
    • Steps
  • Tags

Through each of these tools listed, “elements” are produced which make up the whole of the “content” of the meditation.



Questions are a driving force of communication in the U.M.P, all quality communication proceeds from them.


Questions are used to:


  • Help participants to ask all relevant and important questions

  • To help continue, to deepen and to advance the communication.

  • To help focus the participants to answering one question at a time


Participants can:


  • Choose from existing questions within UMP templates.

  • Create/Ask Questions

  • Answer Questions

  • Easily cycle through each participant’s answer to a question.


Questions are a driving force of communication in the U.M.P, all quality communication proceeds from them.

Questions are used to:

  • Help participants to ask all relevant and important questions
  • To help continue, to deepen and to advance the communication.
  • To help focus the participants to answering one question at a time

Participants can:

    • Choose from existing questions within UMP templates.
    • Create/Ask Questions
    • Answer Questions
    • Easily cycle through each participant’s answer to a question.
